Improve your Relationships - Ability Seminar Group

Ability Seminar Group

Improve your Relationships

Relationships can be difficult to manage. What husbands and wives never get frustrated with each other? Situations with others at work can get stressful. What are you supposed to say when someone starts arguing with you? Even worse, when someone is mad at you. When you meet someone new, how do you develop an engaging conversation?

Knowing what to say and why can make all the difference in the world. 

Is there a method of improving the quality of communication to reduce the tension? Our seminar, Improving Relationships, will give you a proven, workable method to calm any situation down. It’s an ability and we’ll show you how to get good at it. Schedule your Improving Relationships Seminar now!


1-Improved Communication: Participants learn to communicate more effectively, enhancing both personal and professional relationships.
2-Increased Understanding: By applying the principles of Affinity, Reality, and Communication (ARC), mutual understanding between people is increased.
3- Strengthening Relationships: Using the ARC triangle, participants can build and strengthen relationships through greater affinity and better communication.

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Alberto Martínez
Alberto Martínez@pz_amy
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Knowledge acquired: The unsuccessful professional, it makes a lot of sense the part that explains how sometimes we study to pass an exam without thinking about understanding and visualizing the study in practice, which leads us to failure in the future.
Francisco Capellán
Francisco Capellán@cp_fran
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It helps me understand why I am not understanding something, whether I want to apply something new or acquire knowledge, and how I should do it correctly. Not going from the most difficult to the easiest, but starting step by step. To give me better context sometimes, if I don't understand what I am doing, I could create graphic images or exemplify, and they are really key points when studying. It has literally improved my way of learning.
Jonathan Vásquez
Jonathan VásquezJonVasq@_JVZ
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This seminar taught me how to acquire learning better, studying step by step. If I don't know a word, I look up the definition, exploring different meanings in various contexts to understand each one and gain knowledge for different scenarios.
Miljoy Fernanda
Miljoy Fernanda@Fsc_Santana64
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The seminar gave me additional tools after my study tech course. It was simple yet powerfull, Its like a cinema were one experiences a clear picture of the subject matter. This has got to be the simplest yet effective way for one to be learned.
Alyanna Luyon
Alyanna Luyon@Allylu06
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I learned a new word, philocalist, its someone who appreciates beauty in any form. Another thing I learned is to have mas and get the REAL objection studying about. I also learned do stuff gradients and step by step without skipping.
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